Curse laziness

Written by  on August 20, 2012 

So… after throwing out most of my website and switching this site over to a blog where I can do long, drawn out educational rants (usually), I’ve never really bothered fixing hyperlinks across several old pages I had posted. One of which is my book I’ve been writing since 2007, Space Junk. Basically, I copied the old html pages to wordpress pages and never bothered fixing the hyperlinks that listed chapter names. Since I’ve decided to rewrite various parts I’ve already rewritten (this would be revision 14 if I recall), I just decided to disable the links for the time being and hide them from being accessible here on wordpress until I am certain I have most of my errors in the newer draft removed. Seeing that I’m currently working a full time job and doing full time credit hours at school, this basically will take a while like usual. I’m still aiming for a 2014 completion date for getting the whole story written, but for now, I don’t think I’ll get any of it done for the next few months.


Category : Space Junk

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