
This blog is basically about weird ideas and rants by myself, and occasionally other guest posters. My goal of this blog is to try and post things you wouldn’t normally see discussed on social media sites and to keep alive the idea that all things do not have to be centralized on large websites. I don’t expect a lot of page views here, but my thought by posting things on this blog, I’m putting ideas towards humanity that some people may or may not want.

If you came from the site Strangeness Networks, this is technically the official blog of that site. I had the domain just link straight here for several years as the project I had intended for that site (an alternative media site with a 90’s/early 00’s feel) never fully got off the ground.

About the Author/Owner of this place:

You can just call me P.

I’m a bit of an unusual guy I guess, I have spent several years of my life looking at what exactly I wanted to do for the rest of it, and settled on being an engineer, as my goal in life is to better humanity in one way or another.

I am a vintage computer/electronics enthusiast. One of my side projects was being a co-maintainer of the the technology blog/forum Operation ABW (OABW) which is updated just as frequently as this blog is never updated and abandoned. I was also a moderator/admin/member of various similar other sites when I was younger.

I’m a somewhat of a hobby book writer, however a very unmotivated one. I’ve been working on a book series called “Space Junk” (That’s the working title) over the course of 10+ years. As I believe in freedom of information, I try to publish all the chapters online as I complete and revise them under the Creative Commons license. My reason for is stated below.

Some of my unusual views include:

  • I support the switchover of the United States to the Metric system.
  • I believe that some day in the not too distant future, that there will be a cultural alliance of nations between Canada, the United States, and other various former British commonwealth countries.
  • I believe in better control over education. Basically involving a tier system where children are deeply psychologically and mentally examined over a 10 year period of childhood where the child is slightly more nudged towards a career path that would benefit their lives. What kids go through now today is more mirror imaging ideals of a teacher/state/government and doesn’t help the children reach their fullest potential. Parents do need more control over education, and that is one thing that seems to have disappeared over the past few decades.
  • I do not believe in selfishness, to an extent. Groups with similar ideological/cultural/identity ties need to work together more often and achieve a group goal. This definitely goes in the face of achieving profit at all costs which has what western society has mostly become at this point. At the same time, competing ideologies/cultures/etc can and will clash over time inevitably. A Star Trek-esque  type of society I do not think is achievable, as large numbers of people do break down into groups no matter what and will eventually have some kind of internal/external conflict. A high school clique layout is a good example of natural group breakdown.
  • I do not believe in copyright law as it stands today. Copyrights and patents are being used to stifle innovation, and for rich executives to make more money without creating. Any form of creativity that isn’t under control ends up being sued or shoved out of the way into oblivion.
  • I have lost faith in humanity. People care about silly garbage, as what celebrities are interested in, or how big their SUV is, or what kind of fast food tastes good rather than trying to better themselves, their towns, and their countries. Gluttony, Greed and Lust are three big things you see in pop culture on a daily basis, which has lead to several issues on their own.
  • I know that people do not agree with me on a lot of these views, but one of the most important values of humanity is freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, political views and ideals.