Old Projects

Written by  on October 5, 2019

I’ve decided to start work on my old book project that’s been around from before 2007 and even earlier, so if you haven’t noticed (which is likely), I’ve re-added Chapter 1 of Space Junk to the site, new and improved.

The whole plot is technically done, minus some minor details, however since time has passed from 2007 (and this book technically was to take place already), I’ve had to rewrite large parts of the beginning to push the timeline out even further. I’m hoping to be done with the first book of the series by the end of next year so I can work on something else I have an idea of.

I’ll admit, I find it a bit of a struggle to write the beginning part over again as compared to when I was younger, I really don’t like injecting anything involving political stuff into things, but with how the society is set up in the beginning is kind of a central feature and they kind of tie into the second book in the series with the main characters.

I do have an idea for something besides this story, I kind of want to do some alternate history stories eventually, it’s just a matter of when I can find the time.